GenYouth has officially classified six broad categories as official record categories. Each of these categories contains several sub-categories, which can be modified, consolidated, expanded, or removed by the Youth Achievement Records Advisory Board & Council as and when necessary.
The Youth Achievement Records Advisory Board & Council reserves the right to review and update the sub-categories within each of the six broad categories of official record categories established by GenYouth. This allows for flexibility in adapting to changing circumstances and emerging trends, while ensuring that the record-keeping system remains current and relevant.
It is important to note that any changes made to the sub-categories will not affect the existing records. The Youth Achievement Records Advisory Board & Council will ensure that all records are accurately categorized based on the criteria that were in place at the time the records were created.
The six broad categories of official record categories established by GenYouth are as follows: [list categories here]. Each category contains several sub-categories, which may include [list examples here]. However, the sub-categories are not exhaustive and may be revised periodically based on the needs and priorities of the organization.
In summary, the official record categories established by GenYouth are subject to ongoing review and modification by the Youth Achievement Records Advisory Board & Council to ensure that they remain relevant and useful for tracking and recognizing youth achievements.